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MkDocs plugins

[MkDocs plugin (developer) guide |] [MkDocs plugin catalog |]

In my opinion one of the greatest strengths of MkDocs is its extensibility using plugins. There is a big and growing list of plugins available. And if what you are looking for is missing (and not a complex problem), you can write a custom hook that implements it or ask ChatGPT/Phind to write it for you.

The following pages detail plugins I find helpful, but there are many more available at The best plugin in my opinion is the Material for MkDocs theme, which is basically a plugin collection in itself bundled with a great looking theme. It is the most popular plugin and for example also used by OWASP Cheat Sheets and quite a few other sites I have seen in the wild. It improves many features of MkDocs, including the search.


Each plugins can be installed by installing the python package with pip. The name of the package is shown in a PyPI badge like the one below:

[PyPI | mkdocs-auto-tag-plugin]

You also can copy the install command by clicking on the PyPI text of badge.


You have to add the plugin to your mkdocs.yml. If you add plugins, the order is (sometimes) important and you have to add the search plugin unless you do not want the search. For example if you just wanted the autotag plugin, you would add:

- search
- autotag

If the plugin requires configuration options, you usually specify them right in the plugin listing. For example:

- search
- autotag:
        "plugins/**": "Plugin"
        "setup/**": "Setup"

The following pages link to this page: